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Suite 205 -169 Craig Street, Duncan, BC V9L 1V8

               Phone:(250) 746-4058     Fax:(250) 748-1004

Workplace Courses

St.John Ambulance

WorkSafeBC - Basic (Formerly Level 1- Equivalent)


This one day certification course has been developed from the St. John Ambulance national First Aid and CPR program.


Designed to comply with the CSA Z1210-17 Standards. 

CPR-A: is for individuals requiring comprehensive information on First Aid and CPR for their workplace, school, or personal interest. This type of first aid training is helpful to know in case of medical emergencies where the person who will need medical assistance will most likely be an adult.

 WorkSafeBC approved Basic First Aid Course



8 hours

Course Content
  • Responding to an emergency 

  • Recognizing a mental health emergency 

  • CPR for adults and AED 

  • Bleeding and burn management 

  • Medical emergencies

  • Written Examination 


St.John Ambulance

WorkSafeBC - INTERMEDIATE (STANDARD) – Level 1& 2 Equivalent


This two day certification course is for anyone wishing to work as a Level 1 or 2 first aid attendant in BC, anyone wishing to work as an emergency first-aider in Alberta, police, first responders, lifeguards, ski patrollers and caring citizens. 


This course meets the requirements for:

  • Canada Labour Code (Standard First Aid)

  • Formerly WorkSafeBC OFA Level 1 & 2

  • Alberta Human Services OH&S Policy (Standard First Aid)

  • Designed to comply with the CSA Z1210-17 Standards. 


16 hours

Course Content
  • CPR for adults, children, and infants 

  • Using AEDs 

  • Choking and breathing emergencies 

  • Mental health first aid 

  • Opioid overdose awareness 

  • Bleeding and burn management 

  • Bone and joint injuries

  • Environmental emergencies

  • All participants take a written exam at the end of the course.

With the successful completion of the written and practical exams (held on the last day of the course)

participants will earn a certification that is valid for 3 year



St.John Ambulance 

WorkSafeBC -  "ADVANCED" (Formerly  OFA Level 3)

" ADVANCED" is a 70 hour (excluding breaks) program designed for remote worksites or employers with large workforces more than 30 minutes from medical aid.  Successful participants will be qualified to work as a WorkSafeBC ADVANCED first aid attendant.  Initial certification requires full participation and course attendance plus successful completion of both written and practical exams (held on the last day of the course). ADVANCED meets the requirements for the Canada Labour Code (Advanced First Aid) and the Alberta Human Services OH&S Policy (Advanced First Aid)


The Advanced First Aid course focuses on advanced-level skills for workplace first aiders and emergency response teams

Course Content

•â€¯â€¯  Roles and responsibilities 
•â€¯â€¯  Health and wellbeing of responders 
•â€¯â€¯  Lifting and carrying 
•â€¯â€¯  Anatomy and physiology 
•â€¯â€¯  General pharmacology 
•â€¯â€¯  Emergency scene management 
•â€¯â€¯  Respiratory, cardiovascular, and environmental emergencies 
•â€¯â€¯  Head and spinal injuries 
•â€¯â€¯  Bone and joint injuries 
•â€¯â€¯  Multiple casualty incidents 
•â€¯â€¯  Wound management 
•â€¯â€¯  And more! 


  • Written Exam

  • Practical Exam

Upon successful completion the participant will receive certification that is valid for three years.




St.John Ambulance

WorkSafeBC - Transportation Endorsement


This one-day course prepares Basic, Intermediate, or equivalent first aid attendants with the skills and knowledge needed to transport injured or ill workers to medical aid. Participants are required to perform spinal immobilization and patient transport skills as outlined in the WorkSafeBC Transportation Endorsement Instructor Guide and Training Manual.



8 hours

Course Content

  • Role of the First Aid Attendant

  • Priority Action Approach

  • Principles of Transportation

  • Packaging a Responsive Casualty with Spinal Motion Restriction

  • Packaging a Responsive Casualty without Spinal Motion Restriction

  • Packaging an Unresponsive Casualty

  • Caring for a Casualty While in Transport

TE certification is valid for 3 years providing the ticket holder also maintains an "Basic", "Intermediate"(equivalent) .



In-class skills assessment


Occupational First Aid
Occupational First Aid
Transportation Endorsement
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